You have desires on your heart. Dreams. Goals. Wishes and wants. You would not be given these things without also being given the ability to manifest them into your reality.
Elevate: Raise Your Frequency Program was created to initiate the internal and external transformations required to bring you closer to obtaining your desires.
By raising your frequency, you will become a magnet for more of the good things in life. More happiness, more money, more love, more health, more wealth, and even more miracles.

What's Included in the
Elevate: Raise Your Frequency Program

WEEK 01:
Intentional transformation begins with awareness. Before you can shift your life, you must first become aware of your current state, patterns, and choices. This is the first step on your journey to transformation—shining a light on the areas that may need attention or realignment.
This week, you’ll focus your attention and observation on becoming more mindful of yourself, your thoughts, and whether you are operating from a higher or lower frequency. Your frequency is a reflection of your energy, mindset, and patterns, and it can either align with your goals or keep you stuck in old habits

WEEK 02:
Level Up Your Language
The words you use are more powerful than you may realize. They are not just sounds or random expressions—they shape your reality, your beliefs, and your experiences. Every word you speak, whether aloud or silently in your thoughts, sends signals into the quantum field, setting the manifestation process into motion. As Florence Scovel Shinn taught, “Your words are like a boomerang, returning to you as your life experience.”
Yet, so many people remain unaware of this Universal Law. They speak from fear, doubt, or frustration without realizing that their words are shaping their reality. This week, we’ll break through that unconscious pattern and start to clean up the language we use—both in our inner dialogue and external speech.

WEEK 03:
Identity Shifting
At first, this can feel like a paradox—like the chicken and the egg: What comes first, being or having? The answer lies in shifting your identity. Identity shifting is the process of becoming a match for your desires by transforming your mindset, habits, beliefs, and actions to align with the person you’re striving to become.
This week, you’ll learn how to shift your identity by taking ownership of your current state and aligning it with the person you truly desire to become. Remember: Every small action counts. Identity shifting isn’t about perfection—it’s about taking consistent baby steps toward embodying the traits, habits, and beliefs of your highest self

WEEK 04:
Creating Space for the New
As your frequency and energy rise, you may begin to notice that certain people, places, situations, or material possessions no longer align with the elevated, authentic version of you. Neville Goddard taught that "to create a new reality, we must first embody the consciousness of the life we desire." Holding on to remnants of the “old you” can anchor you to past patterns and limitations, making it more challenging to step fully into the future you’re creating.
This week, you’ll focus on the powerful and transformative act of purging—letting go of what no longer serves your highest good. This isn’t just about physical decluttering (though that’s part of it); it’s about creating energetic space to invite new opportunities, blessings, and possibilities into your life. As Florence Scovel Shinn reminds us, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” When you clear away the old—whether material, emotional, or energetic—the Universe has the opportunity to rush in and fill that space with new opportunities aligned with your higher frequency.

WEEK 05:
This week is about stepping into the expansive energy of growth, possibility, and transformation. In alignment with the teachings of Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill, and Rhonda Byrne, we know that the universe is abundant, limitless, and always responding to the energy we project. When we shift our mindset from "fixing" what's wrong to focusing on what we desire to grow and expand, we align with the creative power of the infinite.
Carol Dweck’s Mindset reminds us that growth happens when we embrace challenges, release judgments, and cultivate gratitude for every opportunity to evolve. Expansion is not about resisting what is or trying to force change—it’s about imagining a higher version of yourself and your life, then embodying that vision in thought, word, and action

WEEK 06:
Rewrite Your Stories
Your story has the power to shape your reality. The narrative you tell yourself about your life creates the lens through which you experience the world. As Neville Goddard taught, "Imagination creates reality," and the stories we choose to focus on determine the reality we manifest. If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of repeating a not-so-positive story, this week is your opportunity to rewrite it—to transform your perspective, to release judgment, and to step into a more empowering and expansive version of your life.
Drawing from The Master Key System, The Secret, and Think and Grow Rich, we know that by shifting our mindset and focusing on growth rather than limitation, we shift our frequency and align ourselves with abundance and transformation. This week, you’ll engage with the concept of Gifts for Growth—the idea that even our hardest moments, setbacks, and challenges are opportunities in disguise. They’re not just obstacles; they are the stepping stones to personal growth, strength, and transformation.

WEEK 07:
Manifesting From a Higher Frequency
A high frequency is a magnet for all forms of abundance—money, love, joy, and opportunities from the Universe. The truth is: Anything you desire can be yours. If you have a desire, it means that you have also been given the ability to manifest it. Your desires are not random; they are divinely placed within you, and the Universe has already set the stage for their fulfillment.
This week, we’ll focus on maintaining high-frequency activities while beginning to plant the seeds of manifestation with unwavering faith, trust, and belief. Manifestation is simpler than most people think. As the ancient truth states: "Ask and ye shall receive." However, the key to manifestation lies in the belief that you will receive it. Believing isn’t just hoping —it’s having faith that your desire is already yours and aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with that belief. This requires conscious focus, trust in the process, and the willingness to remove the internal and external obstacles standing in your way.
Dr. East
Doctor East is a renowned alternative and integrative healthcare practitioner with over 25 years of experience. As a teacher, speaker, and author in the realms of health, wellness, and personal development, she has inspired countless individuals to transform their lives.
A best-selling author, Dr. East Phillips, DAOM, has penned More Than a Treatment: How to Create Exceptional Experiences that Increase Patient Satisfaction and Improve Treatment Outcomes, co-authored 21 Days to Love, and created the enchanting children’s book The Rainbow Fairies: A Field Guide to Enchantment and Your Inner Magic. Her repertoire also includes Natural Tools for Wellbeing, and she is currently developing additional titles in both children’s literature and the personal development space.
Through her programs, events, books, and live experiences, Dr. East Phillips, DAOM is deeply committed to empowering others to elevate their frequency, connect to their higher purpose, and live with greater joy and fulfillment.