Making the business stuff easy so you can do more of what you love!

I crafted these programs to streamline the operational aspects of your practice, allowing you to devote more time to your passions and helping others.
Designed to simplify your business endeavors, they not only make management streamlined but also support the growth of your practice, ensuring it remains in harmony with your life's purpose.
Here's how we can work together:
1. Grow your practice with my Ultimate Practice Program
2. Create and sell an online course with my Course Creators Program
3. A-la-Cart - Go to Programs and Courses (top right) and purchase individual programs
While you are out there holding the space for the many patients and people in your life, I will be here to hold a space for YOU.


Grow your business and practice with:

The Ultimate Practice Playbook

Comprehensive Program and Coaching Bundle That Fast Tracks You to Maximum Growth and Impact

This is the best choice if you are ready to take your practice, business, and life to the next level as soon as possible.

It is also the best value as it contains all of my programs which were currated over a decade of working with thousands of practitioners.

It comes with live coaching and access to all of the programs.

If you were to pay for each program separately, you would pay much more than the small investment in this bundle of all of my most successful programs that have helped entrepreneurs like you scale their businesses 2x, 3x, and 10x.

To join this program all you need is $198. No contracts, no strings no commitments. This is a monthly membership. Stay as long as you want.


The Ultimate How-to-Sell Courses and Programs with:

Create Online Courses or Programs

Accelerated Program for Maximum Impact

This program allows you to scale yourself and your business, to have a larger impact on your community and the world.

By creating digital products you save time by not having to repeat yourself saying the same things over and over AND you can create additional revenue streams sharing knowledge, experience and information that you most likely give away freely.


Need CEUs or PDAs?


All The Tools You Need To Create A Successful Business & Purpose-Driven Life

I am committed to your growth and expansion. When you are living a life you love, delivering your gifts and successfully running your business, everyone and everything you touch is blessed.

Helping you make money doing what you love while working less...

Hi, I'm Doctor East!

Let’s move from burnout, exhaustion, frustration, overwhelm, uncertainty, and fear – to confidence, abundance, stronger leadership, focus, clarity, direction, and loving what you do for a living. Get paid WELL for sharing your gifts with the world.

With a commitment to helping others actualize their full potential and wellbeing, I have been a licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of integrative medicine since 1999. In 2013 I obtained a doctorate degree in acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM) and since 2018 I have dedicated myself to holding a space for people like you – the ones holding a space for so many people in the world.

Who holds a space for you? Who sees all of you and your highest potential? Who will motivate, inspire and encourage you to fulfill your mission on this planet? I DO!

Over the years, my private practice has focused on the use of East Asian Medicine, nutrition and aromatherapy in the treatment of fertility, anti-aging/rejuvenation, sports therapy, and over-all well-being. For several years I worked with the San Diego Fertility Center offering pre and post Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) treatments and for two years I was part of the Mind Body Medical Group at the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. I speak on Radiant Aging: Ancient and Modern Day Secrets to Longevity and Living Your Best Life as well as MIE for Health and Wellness Practitioners – Motivation, Inspiration and Encouragement. Let’s face it, health and wellness practitioners need to have their own mind, body and souls filled so that they can continue to do the same for others. That’s my specialty. Let’s work together to not only take you to the next level in your business and life, but to tether you to your CALLING IN LIFE.



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